Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Chimney Ghosts and Portals

 By Marge Padgitt

Are chimneys portals to other dimensions?

Since our company does chimney inspections and repair, we are around fireplaces and chimneys all the time.  We have noticed a pattern of ghostly activity and orbs around chimneys, and I am beginning to think that this sort of activity is common. I also have a theory as to why paranormal events happen around chimneys, but more about that later.

 Over the years my company has taken thousands of pictures of chimneys and fireplaces with digital cameras. I started noticing that orbs were showing up in the photos when an extremely dramatic photo with colored orbs showed up in May of 2003. This was the first time I noticed anything unusual in the photos, and this prompted me to watch for other anomalies around chimneys when inspection reports come in. We started using digital cameras around 1999, before that we used 35 mm film which never showed anything out of the ordinary. Digital cameras pick up more of the UV spectrum, so they sometimes get things that the naked eye cannot see. In all but one case, the inspector did not see anything at the time, but the strange items show up when the photos are on the computer.

In the past two years we have collected quite a few photos that show something unusual in them such as colored orbs, white orbs, white streams of heavy fog, and in one instance—a clearly defined face of a man in a back fireplace wall. In every case, I compared the rest of the photographs taken at the same time and of the same chimney, and in all but one case they show nothing unusual. It is usually ONE photograph that catches something, then the rest at the same location do not show anything. There is only one chimney so far where an orb showed up in three different photos from different angles, and in the case of the face in the fireplace it can still be seen with the naked eye at the home. 

We do approximately five inspections per day with 10-20 photos taken at each house, so the photos with anomalies are only a small fraction of the total number of photos we have on file.  With this in mind, that means that it is fairly rare to catch an orb or ghost on film.  

Now for some ghostly experiences. In 1989 our company swept 350 chimneys at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. We ran into three ghosts at Leavenworth that were rather uncooperative and apparently did not appreciate us disturbing them. The fort was established in 1827 and has a long history of spirits. At least nine ghosts have been officially reported, but there are likely more that have not been reported. During our work, several highly unusual events occurred that can only be attributed to the paranormal. Unfortunately, we do not have photos of any fireplaces since photography is not allowed on the base. All the chimneys are constructed with bricks and mortar.

Historic Fort Leavenworth, Kansas

House #1:
This house was the oldest building on the post and was originally a chapel.  The chapel burned down in approximately 1827, and a clergyman named Father Fred was killed in the fire.  A new house was built on the same spot in the 1830’s— presumably using the same chimney.   While we were sweeping the chimney, coal dust started coming through the entire masonry wall in the living room.  There were no holes or cracks in the masonry!  The entire lower level of the house was dusted with fine, grey coal dust and we had to go back and spend 8 hours vacuuming and cleaning up. What a mess! I was mortified, as nothing like that had ever happened to us. 

The colonel’s wife was not upset at all, and calmly explained to me that the problem must have been caused by their resident ghost!  She told me that right after moving into the house, they hosted a party for the officers and their wives. During the party, a woman screamed when she saw a face of a man in the fire in the fireplace. Everyone saw the same thing and ran screaming out of the house. Evidently, it was quite a scene. After that, the family saw the apparition of a man floating on the landing next to the chimney on several occasions. He was wearing a clergy outfit, but his feet did not materialize when he appeared. He also appeared on many occasions in the fire, so the family quit using the fireplace. Well, at least it is clean now. I hope that ghost appreciates it.

House #2: Built in the later 1800’s, this is a large three-story home. The occupant (the wife of an officer) notified us upon arrival that the room we were going to be working in was haunted, and the ghost often closed the door. She noted that she was leaving the door open all the way and that the door was off balance leaning in towards the room, then she left us to our work. I tarped off the fireplace, then sent a tech up to the top of the chimney to start sweeping.  While standing alone in the room, the door suddenly slammed shut. I quickly ran over to the door and opened it to see if anyone was around, but there was no one in the hall. I then heard strange noises and talking coming from the fireplace and called the sweep on the radio to see what was going on.  She said she did not say anything, and of course there was no one else on the chimney with her.  When the lady of the house returned, she was not surprised to hear about the goings–on.  She also told me that it was common knowledge among the residents at Fort Leavenworth that there is a lot of ghostly activity going on in the older houses. We packed up our gear and got out as quickly as possible.

House #3: Built around 1840, this is a two-story brick house with slate roof and brick chimney.  I was outside by the van talking to the homeowner. One tech was inside at the fireplace, and another tech was outside on top of the roof doing the sweeping.  Suddenly the ladder fell over on its side—seemingly pushed by someone who was not there. The occupant and I both saw it fall over. The sweep walked over to the place where the ladder was but could not get down until we got the ladder back up again. This was a 40’ heavy aluminum ladder that weighs 80 lbs.! There was no wind that day and it was tied down to the gutter with a bungee cord!  I had to call in another crew to get the ladder back up so the sweep could get down. The occupant of the home told me that they have a mischievous ghost who lives with them and causes havoc frequently.  He said that the ghost hung around the fireplace most of the time.

I did an internet search to see if there was any information about the Fort Leavenworth ghosts, and it turns out that there are several books written about the subject that are available. From I found the following information regarding the fireplace at 605 McClellan, located in the McClellan Officer's quarters. This house is a large three-story home. Apparently when a family moved in this house in 1975, a spirit made itself known to them. While enjoying a warm fire in the fireplace, the family was “gripped with fearful fascination” when an apparition of a man with a mustache and goatee appeared in the middle of the flame. When the fire died out, the face of this ghostly man appeared and remained on the back of the fireplace. This case sounds like the face in the fireplace I mentioned earlier.

A program about these spirits was presented on the Discovery Channel. The occupants of the house said that every psychic investigator that has gone through the home notices that one of the entities comes in through the fireplace damper and stands in front of the fireplace. The temperature where the ghost stands is noticeably colder than the surrounding area.

Thurnham Hall, Lancaster, England built in 1060

 We made a trip to Lancaster, England in April of 2005 and got to stay in a wonderful stone 10th century hall or “manor house” called Thurnham Hall. On the third evening of our stay, the activities director presented a tour of the building and told stories of the ghosts that choose to occupy several rooms in the large hall. Our guide showed a VCR tape in one room that had been occupied by a man who killed his wife in the 1700’s. The tape had been made by a film crew from British television who brought along a psychic to do research for a program on ghosts. I filmed the TV screen so the quality of my tape is not that great—but it is digital so you can plainly what is going on. Everyone in the room watching the tape gasped as they watched hundreds of tiny white glowing orbs appear from the fireplace. The orbs exited the fireplace into the room, then went through the walls in several directions. This continued for at least two full minutes. 

I am not sure what the orbs, fog, and impressions are—perhaps they are spirits of people who have passed on, or spirits that have never inhabited a human body. or maybe they are life forms that we do not yet understand, or beings from another dimension. I speculate that spirits hang out in the fifth dimension and sometimes enter our fourth dimensional space and time through a portal of some type. Perhaps chimney are portals.

I believe is that ghosts like chimneys. Why? Here is my theory – in doing research on ghosts in the Kansas City area I talked with several ghost hunters including Chris Breathwaite, a local Kansas City paranormal investigator and author. Chris and others have mentioned on several occasions that there is more paranormal activity around rivers, streams, and railroad tracks. I got to thinking about what those features have in common with chimneys. It is movement. There is a flow of energy in any river, stream, or railroad track. And the correlation with chimneys is DRAFT, the only difference being that chimneys are vertical. 

All chimneys are designed to create draft to remove toxic flue gasses and smoke from the fireplace or appliance without mechanical means. It is simply physics that makes a chimney work. The temperature differential between the outside of the chimney and the inside of the house is basically what creates draft. Draft is different at certain times of the year, being stronger in the cold winter months. That is also the time of year that people spend more time around the fireplace and fire up their gas furnace. Are there more sightings in the winter as a result?  That will be my next project to pursue. But draft in a chimney occurs all the time, even when it reverses because something is wrong with the system or house. The pictures we have taken of orbs are from all seasons of the year.

I plan to continue my research on this subject. If the reader has photos of orbs, apparitions, or ghosts around fireplaces or chimneys, I would like to have a copy for our research project on this subject. Contact me at


Thursday, July 29, 2021

Be prepared for price increases

Consumers should be prepared for sticker shock when it comes to chimney repair or hearth appliances, since everything has gone up in price. Not only that, but wait times can be weeks or months due to the increased demand. Manufacturers are having a difficult time keeping up with the demand for products. 

This is frustrating for the homeowners and their providers as well. In some cases, standard freight costs no longer exist and the dealers must pay whatever the freight lines charge. This makes it impossible to tell a buyer what their final price will be for a hearth appliance.

  • Aluminum prices have increased by 20%
  • Cold Rolled steel has increased by 160%
  • Stainless steel price increase is 10%
  • Lumber price increase is 130%

Domestic Freight has increased by 5% and is expected to rise due to gas price increases. 

Expect to pay more for gas hearth appliances, wood-burning stoves and inserts, aluminum flue liners for gas, and stainless steel flue liners and chimneys for wood-burning appliances, plus additional freight cost. 

There is some good news, however. The 26% tax credit is in effect, so could offset costs for a hearth appliance and it's chimney, plus installation costs. For this reason, now is the time to purchase a hearth appliance.  Read more about the tax credit at the Hearth, Patio, and Barbecue website.  


Marge Padgitt is the CEO of HearthMasters, Inc. chimney & fireplace restoration company in Kansas City, Missouri. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

Firewood Allergies? Yes, it’s a Thing.

By Audrey Elder


The massive chunk of walnut sat nearly a year next to the woodpile before we gave up on the idea of turning it into a new kitchen floor. Our woodpile consists of whatever fallen trees come our way. This particular behemoth was once part of a massive tree that fell on a friend’s farm property with no where to go but my yard. It was finally time for gloves, glasses and a chainsaw. The freshly cut chunks were quickly split into perfectly sized pieces for the woodstove. They smelled wonderful as I stacked them onto the pile, although my nose burned a bit with each whiff I took. Once alit in the living room, my sinuses reacted with vengeance. As it turns out, different kinds of firewood can create allergic reactions for different people. One might notice a sensitivity to oak while I sit on the other side of the room when burning walnut. 

There are a large range of allergic reactions or sensitivities that can be brought on by wood including a sinus reaction or rash from touching wood. Nearly all woods have the potential to cause a reaction in some people. Unfortunately, there has been little research done on how different woods can cause a reaction when burned. It is unknown if having a known allergy to a specific wood based on a physician performed allergy test also means you will have a reaction to burning that wood. If you have a known allergy to mold however, make sure you are not burning firewood with mold present. If you have experienced sensitivity to your fireplace or woodstove keep a journal of what type of wood you are burning and if that particular wood is bothering you. If a type or types are confirmed this way try to avoid sitting close to the fireplace or stove or discontinue using that type all together.

It is also important to note that smoke never has a place in the home, it should only be going up the chimney. We often tend to think of keeping our chimney clean for the sole purpose of preventing a chimney fire. Where avoiding chimney fires is an obvious top priority, a dirty chimney won’t allow for a good draft to take place. It makes it harder to start a fire and keep all that smoke where it belongs. If you are still having trouble getting your fire to draft, it could be an issue of negative air pressure or just super cold air. Consider having an outside air supply, draft inducer, or whole house ventilator installed to fix this issue.

So far, walnut has been the only wood I have to avoid burning. I was overjoyed last summer when my husband announced a friend offered him a fallen….oak! An entire winter back in my favorite spot in the house, next to the woodstove was happily in my future. May your home be warm and your sinuses happy!


Audrey Elder is an historian and writer living in Independence, Missouri. She works for HearthMasters, Inc.


Monday, February 1, 2021

The Tax Credit for Wood-Burning Appliances is Impressive

Hearthstone fireplace insert

With the new Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit Consumers can take 26% of the cost for a new wood-burning stove or fireplace insert, including the appliance, venting, and installation in 2021-2022.  

That is a big deal. Anyone who has considered purchasing a high-efficiency wood stove but held off due to the cost, now is the time to take advantage of the government program. 

Wood-burning appliances can be used for supplemental or primary heating, and in power outages. Anyone who has gone through a power outage without heat will understand the importance of having a backup heating system.

Freestanding stoves can be placed in almost any room. They are vented with a Class A stainless steel chimney, or a masonry chimney with a stainless steel flue liner.  Fireplace inserts are installed in a masonry fireplace with a stainless steel flue liner.  Wood-burning fireplace inserts cannot be installed into a manufactured firebox. 

    freestanding stove

  • Consumers buying highly efficient wood stoves will be able to claim a 26% tax credit that is uncapped and based on the full cost of the wood stove (including purchase AND installation)

  • The 26% tax credit is valid from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2022. In 2023, the tax credit will remain in effect for the entire year, but the percentage steps down to a 22% tax credit.

  • Qualifying wood stoves must meet at least a 75% HHV efficiency value. Not all wood stoves qualify.

  • You will claim your tax credit when you file your taxes on IRS form 5695 under “Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit “. You will need your purchase receipt (showing cost of product and installation). You will also need a  manufacturer certificate stating that the stove qualifies for the credit and is at least 75 percent efficient HHV. These are available on the manufacturer website. 

An inspection of the current chimney must be done prior to the installation of a wood-burning insert or stove using the chimney for venting purposes. It must also be cleaned to remove any creosote. The best time to have this done is in the spring or summer.

HearthMasters carries Regency, Hampton, and Hearthstone brands, which all have qualifying models. 

For more information visit


Marge Padgitt is a chimney industry veteran. She is a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep and NFI Woodburning Specialist. Marge is the President of HearthMasters, Inc. in Kansas City, Missouri. Reach her at

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Plan Now for Emergency Heating and Cooking Preparedness

As we all contend with the Coronavirus worldwide, emergency preparedness is on everyone's mind. I'm sure by now that most people have become painfully aware of how unprepared they have been, and are considering how to get ready for the next emergency. And there will be one, no doubt.

Emergency heating and cooking should be something that everyone plans for. We've all experienced temporary electrical outages, and there may be a time when gas is not available, either. As someone familiar with wood-fired appliances, I recommend that everyone has a backup plan using the appliances of your choice.

There are several options available. The first thing most people think about is getting a wood stove or wood-burning fireplace insert. These are good options for supplemental or primary heating if the appliance is located in the center of the home. Keep in mind that the bedrooms will be much cooler than the common spaces. An open floor plan is best so that heat can reach further.

Cookstove by Hearthstone
For cooking, using the top of a wood-burning freestanding stove is an option, but it can be frustrating to use the small space over a long period of time. A better option would be a wood-burning cookstove with a stovetop and oven. As a bonus, the stove produces heat as well.

Outdoor brick oven by
Gene Padgitt
In Italy and France, it is very common for each household to have an outdoor brick oven and the idea is becoming very popular in the U.S. With an outdoor wood-fired oven it gives a person the option of using a different fuel which may be more available than gas or propane, and it keeps heat out of the kitchen in the summer months. Food tastes better when cooked in a brick oven, too. Wood-fired ovens can be heated to over 700 degrees, which is excellent for cooking pizza.

Masonry heater with bake oven
by Gene Padgitt
The best option, in my opinion, is a masonry heater. Masonry heaters are large site-built or pre-cast kits that are assembled on site. They have a large mass of masonry and interior channels that trap heat. By far, they are the most efficient and clean-burning appliances and use 1/3 the amount of wood that a high-efficiency wood-burning stove or insert uses to produce the same amount of heat. Masonry heaters work differently as they retain and release heat over a longer period of time. A great option to add is a bake oven over the masonry heater firebox on either side. Most people prefer to have the oven on the kitchen side of the heater, and the firebox on the living room side. This option is the most expensive.

Plan now for installation of an appliance this summer, before the busy fall season.
Marge Padgitt is a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep and NFI Certified Woodburning Specialist. She is the author of The Chimney and Hearth Pro's Resource Book, and The Homeowner's Guide to Heating and Cooking with Wood. Reach her at

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Masonry chimney repairs should be done in the spring

By Marge Padgitt

Badly spalling bricks on a chimney
If there are pieces of bricks or stones lying around the yard or driveway, it could be a sign that masonry repair is needed. The first place to look for damages by cold, freezing rain, and wind is the chimney since it is the area most exposed to the elements.

Signs that repairs or rebuilding is needed are missing or deteriorating mortar joints, cracked bricks or stones, or faces of masonry popped off. This is due to the penetration of water into the masonry- and when water freezes it expands, which usually results in the face of a brick or stone breaking off.

Badly spalling bricks
Unfortunately, many chimneys are built with soft type bricks rather than hard type bricks due to the cost.  Soft bricks absorb moisture more easily than hard bricks. After a few years, the soft bricks will begin to show damage, but after 30 years any type of brick or stone chimney will likely show damages of some type, if only to the mortar joints.  In some cases, masons have found completely deteriorated bricks with hard mortar left behind. In other cases, the bricks are good but the mortar is severely deteriorated or missing altogether. When this occurs it is a sign that the wrong type of mortar was used.  For this reason, the Midwest Chimney Safety Council recommends that chimneys should be built or reconstructed using hard bricks and the right type of mortar which will last many years longer than those built with soft masonry units.

Mortar deteriorated so badly that
the chimney is falling apart
Mortar sets up better when the work is done in the spring when temperatures are moderate so the curing process can complete without issue. If the temperature is too cold, the mortar can crack and take a long time to cure. If the temperature is too hot the water in the mortar may migrate to surrounding masonry and shrink. Professional masons can control some of this by adding an accelerant in cold weather or soaking bricks in water before using them in hot weather, but they much prefer working with masonry in ideal weather conditions.

Cement cap with drip edge
The cement cap (crown) should be inspected in the spring to assure that it is in good condition with no cracks, deterioration, or lifting. The cap serves as a roof for the chimney and keeps the elements out of the interior chimney chase where rain can cause damage to the interior flue, smoke chamber, damper, and firebox. Any small cracks or gaps should be filled with high temp silicone, but if large cracks, severe deterioration, or missing sections of the cap exist a new cap should be constructed.  As of 2012, the International Residential Code required a poured formed crown with a drip edge to better protect the chimney from damaging rainwater. The old-style crowns with a slope but without a drip edge actually contribute to the fast deterioration of masonry at the top part of the chimney, so this newer style is a big improvement.

Marge Padgitt is the CEO of HearthMasters, Inc. and HearthMasters Education in Kansas City, Missouri. Contact her at

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Maintaining Your Masonry Heater

By Marge Padgitt

Masonry heaters require regular maintenance in order to function properly, and the flue should be swept to avoid chimney fires. Maintenance includes sweeping of the chimney flue, brushing out the flue gas channels, an inspection of the chimney and heater, and doing any repairs necessary. If the masonry heater is operated properly there should be little, if any creosote in the flue, and you should find only small amounts of soot. If there is any amount of creosote in the flue proper operation and burning procedures should be reviewed. One to two very hot fires should be burned each day, or once every 12 hours for most heaters. The fire should not be “damped down” to maintain a longer burning time as is the normal procedure with a wood stove. The maximum number of fires per day should be three. For chimneys with exterior exposure, the flue will be colder than an interior chimney and will accumulate more soot.

Cleaning the flue gas channels involves using a small poly brush and vacuum. Go to the small channel doors, open them and clean and vacuum each one to remove fly ash. The chimney interior and exterior need to be inspected, and the heater itself should be inspected for any deterioration or loose firebrick in the firebox, any cracking in the exterior heater skin or finish work, and correct clearances to combustibles. Like any masonry structure, the masonry heater and chimney will need to be maintained and repaired as needed. Get a copy of the Homeowners Safety Manual and Burning Guide for Masonry Heaters for free at

Be sure not to use a grate inside the firebox. Fires should be built right on the firebrick floor. The door should be closed during operation, and flammable liquids should not be used to start fires. Homeowners should not burn anything other than dry cordwood in the heater. Building a top-down burn fire will provide a clean burn startup with less CO and smoke. The top-down burn is the opposite of what you learned as a Scout. Place a couple of large logs on the bottom with an airspace between them, then add smaller logs on top in the opposite direction, then kindling. Try Fatwood or dry pine as a fire-starter. The fire will burn down slowly, like a candle. This method warms the flue slowly and causes draft to establish before the fire really gets going.

Your professional chimney sweep is best qualified to sweep and maintain a masonry heater, and can likely do any minor masonry repairs needed as well. Find a professional chimney sweep at the Chimney Safety Institute of America site at

For more information visit or call Executive Director Richard Smith at 530-883-0191.
Marge Padgitt is an industry veteran, author, and educator.